Friday, August 31, 2012

I Was Meant to Be a Fat Person

What is the proper response to the statement: I was meant to be a fat person? Given the natural balance of the universe it doesn't make sense to me that you can't eat all the delicious things available without getting fat and unhealthy. Does it seem protective of our species to have all delicious things be ultimately bad for you? Does it seem biologically logical that fat makes everything taste good?

I have decided that when I am old I will eat whatever I want and not worry about getting fat. How wonderful would it be to eat slice after slice of warm just-baked bread slathered with butter and not have a worry about what it's doing to your body?

Gruyere sourdough, spelt, and fig walnut multigrain breads at the Wickaninnish Inn

Or eat ALL the desserts on the menu INSTEAD of vegetables and ask for EXTRA whip cream?

Local summer berries in the shortcake at RauDZ

We have just returned from a vacation in British Columbia.  The west coast is full of amazing restaurants: RauDZ Regional Table in Kelowna,

Flatbread with grilled asparagus, arugula, bacon lardons, brie, caramelized onions and rhubarb chutney at RauDZ

Shelter in Tofino, Blue Water Cafe in Vancouver where they make sablefish that literally melted in my mouth and where I had the best dessert ever of lemongrass creme brulee along with a tiny perfect carrot cake sitting in a sea of papaya salsa topped with a scoop of ginger ice cream.

Tuna appetizer at Shelter

At the Pointe restaurant at the Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino the dining room has a 240 degree view of the ocean and the food is delicious.

Pea ravioli with chanterelle mushrooms at Wickaninnish Inn

The only thing in my way was the annoyingly inadequate size of my stomach. And the nagging voice in my head predicting the dire outcome of eating yet more ice cream. I tried my best and actually did quite well. However now that I'm home it is time to diet. I hate to diet. I hate depriving myself of things that I want. Hence my statement: I was meant to be a fat person. BTW, the proper response is NOT: If you get fat I will divorce you! I'm sure when he said it that the Hubby was himself suffering from food-induced insanity. If he had been in a proper state of mind I'm certain he would have said "I'll join you!" or some variation on that theme. Until then, pass the celery please!

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