Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ice Cream

Can anyone explain to me why the most delicious foods are really not that good for you? I think it has something to do with fat. Most things that taste really good taste that way because fat has made them so.

Ice cream. Cheese. Steak. French fries. Potato chips. Cake.

Home Made Chocolate Ice Cream

Healthy things like steamed vegetables, bran flakes, brown rice just don't bring us to rapture in the same way. I think this may be understood by the Life/Death paradox. We appreciate life as we do because we know death looms. If we were immortal, we would likely take life for granted. It always makes me laugh that in Toronto as soon as the temperature reaches 18C everyone's in their shorts and sandals and drinking beer on outdoor patios. We revel in the good weather because we know that in just a few short months that the long cold dark winter will be upon us again. When we visited Texas in April a few years back, all of us Canadians were sitting out in the backyard soaking up the rays while the Texans were inside in their air conditioned houses only going outside to walk to their air conditioned cars to drive to the air conditioned mall. With this same thinking, food that we know we should only eat in small quantities is food that we want to devour in copious amounts. Food that we can eat with abandon we take for granted. Go figure.

This past weekend I had an urge to make ice cream. If you recall, I bought an ice cream maker several months ago that has been untouched. To me ice cream heralds summer. A favourite summer ritual is to "go for ice cream". And it comes in so many flavours. One year at Feast of Fields we ate Peanut Butter, Banana, and Bacon Ice Cream. Sounds gross but was surprisingly good.

The Beamer is supervising the ice cream maker

I decide to make Chocolate Ice Cream. A rich, dense, intense chocolate. My only mistake is not having the freezer bowl from the ice cream maker already frozen and patiently waiting for something to churn. From now on, it will be stored in the freezer for quick ice cream making whenever the urge hits. The Adolescent and the Beamer are very pleased.

The Beamer is initially wary

Not sure yet...

Aha...that's what all the fuss is about!

More please

Thank you Daddy

The Adolescent has requested mango ice cream next time. As it's very difficult for me to resist any request from him to cook or bake I will be ice cream making again this weekend.

The Adolescent is happy too
Maybe not so healthy for the body but definitely good for the soul!

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