Friday, April 20, 2012

Eliza's Cupcakes


This is "Eliza". She is in quotation marks because I have never actually met Eliza in the flesh so can only vouch for "Eliza". Although quotation marks are not good when it comes to "meat" I think it's acceptable when referring to "people". I talked to "Eliza" on the phone once very briefly. And we exchanged a couple of instant messages a while ago. "Eliza" drew me a picture a long time ago and it's still pinned to my bulletin board at work. Or at least I was told she drew it for "me" but nothing's for certain when you're dealing with quotation marks.

I "know" Eliza because her father is my friend Treasure. According to Treasure, Eliza is an amazing kid who always has lots to say, is a very good baseball player, and now it seems is a baker of amazing looking cupcakes. I can't vouch for their taste because, sadly, no cupcake was ever shared with me. But I have a good imagination and they certainly look like they taste good!

This is "Eliza's" story...

Hi my name is Eliza. I am nine years old and was born in Ontario. I got this recipe from my Nan. She sent it to me in the mail. She said she found it in a magazine. They looked super cute and yummy. These are the steps me and my mom used:

1. we made the cupcakes using a rainbow chip mix
2. my mom iced the cupcakes while I put on the sprinkels and M and Ms        
3. When they were all done we  made faces and itenies (antennae is a hard word to spell - Gastronome)
4. After that we made eyes and mouths      
5. Last we put a brown line through the middle

The ingreetings that we used were:

·         Cupcake mix (found at any grocery store)
·         White iceing (found at any grocery store)
·         Red sprinkles
·         Lindor chocolate cut in half
·         Brown M and Ms
·         Same white iceing to do the eyes
·         And black iceing to do the dot in the eyes (found at a cake store)
·         Last we used  light brown iceing  to do the middle line (found at a cake store)

On Easter Sunday my family went to my dads sisters house and took the cupcakes. I  thought  they were super good and my cousins did too.

                                                        Guest Blogger, Eliza 

P.S This is my first time being on a blog
P.S I prefer you to make these cupcakes


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