Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Daughter is Home!

The Daughter has been home from university for Reading Week. Or at least I think she's home. I haven't seen too much of her. There were the handful of times that she needed a ride somewhere and we were able to see her while riding in the car. However, the last ride we gave her was to get her driver's license. Congratulations Daughter! But now I don't even get car sightings. I'm also not seeing a whole lot of reading going on but it's the thought that counts, right? She specifically requests pumpkin muffins to take back to school with her. With my predilection for vainly trying to bake my way into people's hearts, how can I resist such a request? Click here to get to Pumpkin Walnut Chocolate Chip Muffins recipe

Pumpkin Walnut and Chocolate Chip Muffins

A family dinner is organized. There is a good bet we will see the Daughter at this event. The Boyfriend is invited. Chances increase. While waiting for dinner, the Daughter demonstrates what she has been learning at university.

The Daughter making a flower with her tongue

Other people are inspired to demonstrate their skills.

The Hubby touching his nose with his tongue

Scarlett doing a handstand

Not sure what the Boyfriend thinks about all this. He's still getting to know us. But he works hard to fit in. And does.

The Boyfriend

Terry brings Baking Powder Biscuits. It's a recipe handed down from her mom, my Auntie Katie. These biscuits are very popular in our house. The Adolescent's intake usually has to be closely monitored and controlled for quantity. Click here for Auntie Katie's Baking Powder Biscuit Recipe

Baking Powder Biscuits

Everyone is satiated on biscuits, muffins, and also dinner-type things.

Brian, the Biscuit Maker, and Scarlett's parents

The Beamer and Scarlett

Today the Daughter went back to school. She won't be home again until April! After she leaves, I have an urge I can't ignore to bake for the Adolescent. Freud would be deeply satisfied.

Maybe one day I'll be used as a case study in a psychology textbook...!?


  1. Hahahaha, as usual I laughed out loud upon reading this. For anybody reading this, I would STRONGLY recommend the muffins! I've already eaten six... yum!
    Miss you already gastronome xoxo

  2. I love your blog, since it's a way to follow you all and I always laugh a lot with your posts, and your recipes seem soooooo good ! But it looks so good that it's often frustrating to be so far away and also not to find some of the ingredients here (and also it's not always easy to translate, i need to practise !), and particularly when the Daughter "STRONGLY recommends" something !... =)
    But go on, it's great and my eyes still love it !
    I miss you.

  3. We are a talented family, that goes without saying!! Bonjour Charlotte, comment ca va?!(C'est la tante de la fille)

  4. Did you know that making a flower with your tongue is genetically dominate? I can't -which makes me sad and somewhat recessive-genetically that is...

  5. Before this skill of tongue flower-making was demonstrated to me I didn't even know it existed. And now, Friend, you tell me that it's a dominant trait?! That means that there are probably tons of people out there, people I know, who have this hidden skill! This open up many possibilities for dinner party discussion and competition!
