Sunday, March 13, 2011

Birthday Cake!

I feel, finally, that my birthday can be over for this year. I wish the Hubby would stop guffawing in the's only been a little over a week! My sister and brother-in-law hosted a dinner for me this weekend to belatedly celebrate. Richard created a feast including scallops, veal scallopini, roasted root vegs, risotto, and rapini.

There were name tags...


Gung Gung, the Beamer, and the Hubby

Brian, Terry, and Sinikka


and perfect gifts from those who know me well...

Jewellery made by Scarlett and a donation from her to my Ride to Conquer Cancer

The closing event was a birthday cake baked for me by my sister who has SO made up for those Cakes That Cannot Be Named. They are but a distant memory now.

Happy Birthday to Me...once again!

It was a Pear Pecan upside down cake. So good!

Pear Pecan Cake
The lesson I guess is that a birthday is just not complete without a cake that is made with love and just for you. Hubby, are you reading this? Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You deserve every birthday celebration that comes your way! I whole-heartedly support the "birthday week" concept and recommend it to all my friends!
