Friday, March 18, 2011

No Edwin

Now we're in trouble.

Edwin has gone back to the Philippines for two weeks. He will be there for his son's graduation. Then he will bring his family to Toronto to live. It will be their first time away from the country that's always been their home. It will be the first time in 9 years that they have lived together. That's a very long time to be separated from each other.

I am very happy for Edwin.

Worried for him and his family too. How will they adjust to living together again? How will his children, who are now teenagers, adapt to their father's regular presence again in their lives? How will they respond to the dark call of teenage life in the big city? How will they deal with the separation from extended family, friends, and their familiar life? I think they all must have amazing inner strength and focus to keep their eye on the prize all these years. And now they are finally making it happen. I look forward to meeting them.

But, in the meantime, I'm wondering how are WE going to manage without Edwin? There are no pictures with this posting. There is nothing to take a picture of. No making our lives easier by cooking our dinner for us every weeknight. No cleaning up our messes after we leave in a flurry for work every morning. No clean clothes. No small talk with the neighbourhood shopkeepers on a daily after-school walk with the Beamer. No affectionate tousle of the Beamer's hair. No discussions with the Adolescent about Thai boxing or about what kind of punching bag is best. No Edwin.

We are psyching ourselves up. I'm sure I can cook on a weeknight if I really really put my mind to it. My sister says that two weeks isn't that long, that house cleaning isn't absolutely necessary. She suggests that we just don't have anyone over during this time. This shouldn't be a problem. The Adolescent has agreed to look after the Beamer after school while Edwin is away. For a price. What a good (and wealthy) son and brother!

Safe journey, Edwin.Wish us luck.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wish Edwin a safe and fulfilling journey for me! Good luck to you guys too... these two weeks are going to feel verrryyy long.

  3. How to cook on a weeknight, after a long, tiring day at work, and doing exasperating French homework with a 2nd grader, and still keep it all together? I have no idea!!! (Can you tell today was one of those challenging days?) Let's compare notes! Xox
