Sunday, March 20, 2011

So Far So Good

Today I made Beef Barley Soup . Hopefully it will last for a couple of meals and reduce the cooking we have to do during the week. In fact, we are so hopeful of this that, rather than eating some of this precious Weekday Meal tonight, which is a Weekend night, we order in dinner from our favourite neighbourhood pasta restaurant. I know, it defies logic. But this is what's become of us.

While I'm making the soup, the Hubby is having adventures of his own. The Hubby got a microphone headset device from the Adolescent for Christmas that he can use to talk to the people that he plays Zombies with on the PS3. This has opened up a whole social network for the Hubby. As he's ensconced in the dark basement shooting zombies more dead than they already are, he's also making lots of new friends.

One of his new friends, we'll call him Twitch, has to leave in the middle of a game to eat some chicken. He comes back maybe 10 seconds later. The Hubby comments that he certainly ate his dinner really fast. Twitch says that when he was upstate that they only had a limited time for meals so he learned to eat quickly. The Hubby queries "upstate"? Twitch discloses that he was convicted on a bogus robbery charge. Right.

Another new friend, we'll call him Zits, has to leave right in the middle of tense high level killing action. The Hubby appeals to Zits to wait for a bit or they'll both be killed by the zombies. Unfortunately Zits has to take a shower. His mom's making him.

The Adolescent has to make his own lunch for school since Edwin isn't here to do it for him. He's aghast. Life's hard sweetie. He did say to me today that before he leaves for university, which will (hopefully) be in a few years, that he wants me to teach him how to cook. This is a good sign. That he wants to go to university. That he still has an image of his mother as someone who cooks.

So far so good.


  1. Hmmmm! That picture of the barley/beef soup looks a lot different than the one we ate! Much more colourful, ours was rather monochromatic. And, killing zombies (making weird friends) is a worthy and pleasurable pursuit.
    Keep posting, love the read as always.

  2. I am so thankful for your blog it makes me smile.
