Sunday, April 3, 2011

Birthday Letter to the Adolescent

Your sister is home for a visit

The Family has gathered tonight to celebrate your 16th birthday.

You and some of your loving family

As usual there are party games.

We try and smile with our eyes...

We kiss our muscles...

...and compare them...

...we punch our elders.

I think you are doing a fine job at adolescence. You are certainly giving me the Full Experience of parenting you. You are checking out how large you can be in the world and how to do it without blowing yourself up, or without blowing up the world. I am working hard to make sure you don't get hurt. I want you to get through adolescence safely because you need to become a MAN. You are going to be an amazing one. You are confident in your skin. Perhaps a little too confident right now but I think humility will come as you live more. You can talk about how you feel. A lot of men can't and that's a loss for them and everyone else. How you feel is very important and the people to whom you are important will feel privileged that you share it. You could listen a little better but that will come. You have a lovely open heart. You are the Beamer's most loyal brother and fiercest protector. You can see yourself inviting your sister over for dinner when you're adults.

Scarlett has added her special sprinkling touch to the Cake

Tonight I make you a Chocolate Mint Layer Cake. I even make chocolate curls...that's how much I love you.

You've always been smart and funny and kind and handsome. But when did you get so big? When did you get so muscular? When did you grow facial hair? When did all this happen?

While I was baking?

Happy Birthday dear one!


  1. So poignant, Lydia. This growing up thing just happens too damned fast, and I'm sharing in that incredulity that these boys are becoming (or already are)men. Happy Birthday Adolescent!...and could you just give us a few seconds (maybe years??)to catch up?

  2. Damn it Lydia-you made me cry! Happy Birthday Adolescent-you are a beautiful young man and we are all rooting that you make it through without blowing something up!

  3. We are a beautiful family - somehow we captured the smiling with our eyes thing! The Adolescent is indeed growing up, and from where I stand, it is a beautiful thing!
