Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Sad and Sorry Tale

It may look as if nothing is happening on this blog but a lot is happening behind the scenes. I'm intent on finding ways to blog while at the same time not actually doing any cooking.

These are my efforts so far:

The darling Daughter left to go back to university on Monday. On Sunday morning I decided to bake some pumpkin muffins she could take with her. A nurturing motherly thing to do. I took out some leftover pumpkin puree I had in the freezer and put it on the counter to thaw. After about 10 mins, and many guilty glances at the frozen pumpkin puree, I put the lid back on and put it back in the freezer. Who was I kidding??!

The Adolescent is a rich source of inspiration for baking. We are often extremely annoyed with each other. In order to buy back our love I will often bake something that I know he'll enjoy. In recent months he's benefited from Coffee Crunch Bars, cinnamon buns, muffins. So, with great hope, I turn my thoughts to him and concentrate on calling up my always-near-the-surface feelings of exasperation and annoyance. NOTHING! Tiny twinges of irritation but not near the intensity needed to motivate me to cook or bake.

My next step is to focus on the Gourmet Group. There are 8 of us. We get together usually about twice a year. We rotate who hosts. The "rules" of this group are clear and set after some 20+ years together. Dinner is centred around a theme. All of the dishes must be made for the FIRST TIME by the hosts. It's our turn next. It's been our turn next for the past 2 years! With thoughts of blog material swirling around in my head, I contact them to arrange a date. The earliest possible date is 2 1/2 weeks away. Future material, yes, but I need something NOW!

My very last strategy is to send my friend an email inviting myself to dinner. HE can cook and I can write about it...perfect!

I haven't heard from him since.

1 comment:

  1. I think the answer is time management...and tupperware! Whatever you make for the gourmet group, double it. That way you'll have something handy for the Adolescent, and you can send some off for the darling Daughter as well. Oh yeah...and post the recipe for the coffee crunch bars...they sound delish!
