Thursday, January 6, 2011

Parenting Rant #1

The question I'm pondering :

Why are adolescents saddled with such an ineffectual brain???

This involves no recipes or photos.

I must admit to myself that me doing a blog on food and recipes and cooking is kind of funny. Because I don't cook that often.  Maybe every other weekend. Edwin, who looks after the Beamer after school and cooks dinner for us on weeknights, is the one who I should be doing the blog about! So to fill in the huge gaps between my forays into the kitchen, I will fill these pages with the stuff about which I ponder. There is lots of this.

The Adolescent has only just returned to school after the holiday break. The FIRST day back he skips the last period of class. I ask him "Have you ever gotten away with skipping school?". He says when he skips he always gets caught...and consequenced. Why would he skip a class, to have maybe an extra hour of free time, knowing with certainty that the consequences will far outweigh the fleeting pleasure of having an extra hour off school? Big discussion follows. Exasperation (me) and blank looks (him) abound. We conclude that he can't help it, it's his adolescent brain.

Any insights into this from my loyal readers (I know there's at least one) would be welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. Be patient, and know that a woman's adult brain will rarely understand the mind of a teenage boy. It's like Men are from Mars and women are ...well..just not from Mars!
